How to Access Your Property Sites

First you will need to log into the Client Portal on our website. Once you are logged into the portal, you can access the property site backend for editing. 


Link to video: How to access your property site


Follow the steps below:


Step 1: Go to and click to silhouette icon at the top of the page. Select 'Login' from the dropdown menu.


Step 2: Enter your login information and click 'Log In'. If you forgot your password, select 'Forgot Password' to prompt a password reset email to be sent to you. Follow the instructions in the email.


Step 3: Once logged into the portal, click the 3 lines at the top right of the page. Select 'Property Sites' from this menu. You will then be brought directly to the backend editor. If you have not logged into the backend editor before, you will be asked to enter your login credentials at this point.


Step 4: Once you are successfully logged into the backend editor, your page will look like this.