Our cancellation policy

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Your account will be refunded if you give our booking team 24-hour notice and you have no intention of rebooking the service(s). 

If you plan on rebooking the service(s) we will put a hold that project and wait to hear from you to rebook. 

The cost of the cancellation fee depends on how much notice you give us within the 24-hour range. You will be responsible for full payment - and potentially rebooking fees - for on-site cancellations. 


We understand that you may not have controlled access to a property. With that in mind, our management team reviews the cause for cancellations on a case-by-case basis. At the same time, we strongly advise that you check the status/access of the home - and weather - the day before your appointment. For your convenience, you will receive and automated email reminder that your appointment is scheduled along with a local weather report.