Our brochure workflow & process

We offer many different style templates to choose from in 2, 4, 8, or 12 pages.  When you receive your order confirmation, a link to fill out the property information will be provided.  

While filling out the form, you will have the opportunity to let us know about the features of the home, select a brochure style if you do not have one already set up or would like to choose a new style, and upload any logos and/or headshots during this process. 

It is best to fill out this information before the appointment so we are able to make a note of the chosen style and add any new information for our processing team during set up, otherwise our team will choose a default style. Choosing a different style after the initial set up can cause delays with this change. 

Once we receive the property information, processed photos, and brochure draft is completed, our copywriters will then use the information sent to us and the property photos to write the copy.  

Property Information Form: https://visualmarketinganddesign.typeform.com/to/omZOHV

Brochure Style Samples:  https://views.vmdpros.com/brochuresamples 


For questions regarding Delivery and Turnaround times for the brochure process, check out the Delivery and Turnaround Time FAQ.